
Image result for typewriter gif

Part A

As a writer, my new found strength this year has been not only expanding my style and voice but also diminishing GUMPS. I believe that I was inspired by the other writer in the class to not be in a bubble of style. I started out writing very descriptively and almost like a Victorian era writer. But I found I was repeating a lot of my style and it was beginning to get not only boring to write but even boring to read myself. That’s when I tried to write in a style that was of the more present times. It changed my voice and allowed me to enter a sector of storytelling that was more real and authentic to read.

I find that my voice is very earthy. It’s very refreshing as it seems like there is a need to say something in my writer voice. My voice has everything to do with saying something without directly saying it. It is intricate but alluring.My style enhances my voice as my style is all about description. I love transporting a reader to my mind where there are endless waterfalls and monstrous weeping willows. I feel as though describing every little detail enables the writer to portray exactly what they need to say. That”s why I like to describe how the wind feels on that particular day or how the lamp  is a dull green.It allows me to set the scene and mood that I want for the story.

As a mentor the advice I would give to any new writer is to venture. Watch movies and read books you don’t think you would like. Listen to music and travel to places that don’t interest you. I think that by not trying new thing we as writer encase ourselves into bubble of ordinary. But if you can step out and do something daring , such as write a science fiction piece when you only read historical fiction, you can learn so much more and expand your knowledge of what your writing can possibly be.

Sometime in the Future I would like to try writing either  a teen fiction piece like Sarah Dessen does or I would like to venture to horror that authors like Stephen king with The Shining  or Shirley Jackson and her work with the Haunting of Hill House . I am also hoping to start keeping a diary of inspirations , so that I may be able to come back to them  for writing, film, or acting guidance.


Part B

I have has some trials and tribulations with my blog. I am a big fan of renaissance art and wanted that to be my background. But most colour schemes of words were difficult to read on top of the painting that were my backgrounds. I do however like that I have songs that accompany most of my pieces as I believe music can really set tone. I also really enjoy how you can scroll through all my works like you are at a gallery , there is no excess clicking necessary.

I have drawn some inspirations front of the following student blogs

I have also been following some professional bloggers. I love old Hollywood film and this blog covers all of them.


Part C

Metamorphosis . I have always been someone who finds comfort in stories of reality and people. I love stories about true love an d tragedy. But I  have never ventured into the weird side of things. Not until now. But I found the idea of writing about something other than human so intriguing that I actually began reading the book. I even began watching the short film that was discussed in class. This story is so far from real but is told so purely you are forced to believe it could happen. I believe that reading out some of the weirdest sides of fiction has really pushed me to write anything. I mean if it is okay to write about  man who turns into a bug then even the most odd concept can be widely accepted.

This year I found that I was most successful at reading. I started off on a bad note. But I was reading at around half an hour before bed every night . This year one of the best books I  had read was the Anne of Green gables series. I had always loved the movies. But the books are whole different story of Canadian greatness. It make me feel as though I have live in P.E.I. I  am beginning to read more difficult pieces.By reading more difficult books I expand my vocabulary and my knowledge of plot vastly. I have read Anna Karenina this year and am going to look into more Russian authors. I want to read Catcher in the Rye next. Everyone talks about it. I want to know what it is about.

I want to try writing a script again. I tried in grade eleven and I hated it. I hate what I wrote. However I can’t avoid it forever. I need to try again or else I will never learn to write different styles.


Part D

I will always remember Chris’s seminar. I am venturing into the world of performing. A few weeks before he came in I was told by an agent hat the likely hood chance I would get hired was slim to none. I have never wanted acting more in my like then after that comment. Chris made it clear that the industry isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean we should just give up an go home. It means we should work harder and believe stronger. I will never forget that.

I am so glad that I had done James Ivory . He has such a way with creating tension, feeling, and warmth in regular lines. The exchange between Elio and his mother are normal, but given instant feeling to the audience. I have looked into his style and he always chooses the right words and I have been trying to avoid writing in means to give feeling, but rather writing in a way to be truthful, as James Ivory does. I have already seen a few of the movies he wrote for, but I am hoping to look into a few more. I also really enjoyed Claire and Emily’s seminar about Night-vale. It was very different to the style I am used to. I started listening to the podcast and love  the very odd story lines that are in each new episode. If I had the chance to do the seminar again i think I would Khaled Hosseini as I have recently finished another of his novels and truly respect him as a writer.



Part E

    Up In The Gallery

I named this piece Up in The gallery because the poem is about a man watching the courtroom scene, while his lover is acquitted for adultery. it sets the tone of an older setting as in olden times , around,the early twentieth century trials were held in courtroom where the ‘audience’ sat in a gallery above the actual courtroom proceedings. The galleries distance away from the unfolding of the sentencing establishes the powerlessness the man has in protecting his lover. The piece is about a man who is guilty for adultery but doesn’t not suffer the punishment of the crime as he is a man and men a never blamed for their wrongdoings. However based o  the last line we know that his life will no longer be the same, as his wife learns of his wrongdoings. There is a them of guilt and and unknown future that is dominantly present in this piece as. The man is guilty for not being acquitted with his lover, which is seen in the line,” nor say a word at all for he knows that he too should be sitting with her.” The theme of the unknown future can be found in the last lines as we as an audience do not quite know what will happen to the man ,his marriage and his reputation. The cliff hanger ending where his wife finds the bundle of letter addressed to his mistress pushes this idea forward. I enjoy this piece stylistically but do find that the lay out of the writing is to harshly spread. I wanted it to be more properly cordoned off into paragraphs but it wouldn’t work on the setting on the doc. thus for aesthetic purposes I would recommend that piece be more divided into paragraphs as it allows the piece to flow much smoother. I was inspired by the piece,” Up in The Gallery” by Franz Kafka. I loved the idea of the third person omniscient perspective . I like how the narrator of that piece knew everything that was unfolding in front of the audience, thus I wanted to emulate that in this piece. I tried to achieve the third person omniscient narrator style through having the narrator discuss the feelings of the man and the men around him. line such as ,” so they terrorise through senseless pride,” and ” so he doesn’t heckle , nor laugh, nor say a word at all for he too know that he should be sitting with her” look deeper into the character feeling and inner conflicts and help the narrator seem sort of god like and all knowing. Writing this piece cam simply , however while reading through I had inserted a few words here and there that sounded quiet harsh or misplaced. I was going to use “Her ” as  the counter part to the man as I address his character as,” him.” however I found that that was a too obvious choice and in turn sort of left the two characters quite disconnected. Thus I opted for lover instead. Writing this piece was quite fun, it really was the first time i felt lie I could sit down and just write something and have it flow and sound well. I  am very  proud of this piece.


Maycomb county , where the men stand tall


My second most favourite piece on my blog is the one inspired by To Kill A Mockingbird. I wrote this piece after reading the book and watching the film. I was inspired by what events could lead Atticus to be the father he was.  I chose the title as it establishes the setting , but it also I believe gives some insight into the county. Were the man are proud of the businesses and power they hold.The second half of the title is used as a juxtaposition to Atticus, as he doesn’t seem tall or proud following the deaths that unfold in front of him. the piece gives an insight into the past lives of Atticus ad his wife. The story goes on to show a wrongfully imprisoned man who’s daughter is seen as Atticus’ own. The incidents that occur in this piece are intended to portray how ones past can impact ones future. I love this piece as I found that I encapsulated the voice of a southern woman well. I made sure to use very distinct characteristics when I wrote. My vice for this piece is very evident in this line.”To pay Atticus back Mr.William hadn’t much money.”  Rather then saying didn’t I found that hadn’t had a more southern feel and I included it instead.I find the ending of the piece a bit rushed and that I could have made a more elaborate ending, however I was running out of ideas that would keep the piece short so I was conflicted in that aspect. While writing this piece my biggest fear was that it would come off as offensive. I tried very hard to ensure that I was telling a true story that didn’t make any individual who should choose to read it  feel uncomfortable. Thus I made sure that all references to race were acceptable. My choice to write this piece form the Mother’s point of view comes from the sole aspect that she was very rarely discussed, thus I could make her out to be whoever I wanted. The woman who narrates this piece is how I imagined Jem and Scouts mother. She is very different and thus she doesn’t get along with the other mothers. this is referenced in the line,” Calpurnia was my only good friend here in Maycomb.” I also chose to have no dialogue form Atticus until the end as I wanted the focus of this piece to be the perspective of the mother on the events that unfolded. I had loads of fun writing this piece.


Creative writing has been an eye opening experience. I am thankful to Mrs. Hunnisett and all that I have learned from her.

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