Eulogies are so unnecessarily sad

Did you know that there are 250 billion stars in the universe. 250 billion. So if you really look into it. We, On this planet. we really don’t mean anything. We are like specks of dust on the kitchen floor of the universe. Sorry. that sounded a lot more metaphorical in my head. I didn’t think they’d ask me to come up here.  So I mainly just wrote down facts I learned while watching discovery channel.

In a way it’s not really weird. Because I used  to watch with him. Sunday afternoons are not televisions gold mines, unless you’re getting married and need a dress or you’re a zoologist. Space and it’s Vast Army come on right after the gorilla documentary called Apes on tapes. Somehow that was worse than my first comment. Lets see. i’ll just get back to the space facts.

Did you know that one day on Venus is longer than one year on earth. the axis it rotates on is slower so , night and day take longer to come around. That’s pretty weird since like if you’re having a bad day it would just drone one for year. Which would terribly suck, because the point of a bad day is that there is tomorrow and tomorrow means change, it means that tomorrow gets better and that everything that was going wrong , everything that got messed up could be fixed with this possibility of tomorrow being right around the corner. All you’d have to do is wake up and you’d be living a different day, where everything went back to normal. And people didn’t just die off like that,


I’m sorry



I um have one more fact. It was the last fact the documentary said before it ended. Space is silent. I thought it was kinda cool. Because the narrator said it and the documentary got real quiet. Then faded straight to black. Space is silent. I no longer have someone sitting with me on Sunday afternoons watching these stupid documentaries. And i don’t think you notice how quiet a room is when it’s missing it’s usual people. you don’t realise until they’re gone. hen hear it. The space. The space that they left behind. It’s silent. Deafeningly silent.

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